Sunday, 28 February 2010


We drank pints & danced to the specials

This photo from last night (me and friend katie) helped me come to accept my new hair do, and move on, not that bad actually :)
it has brought my new piercing into view, had the piercing done about 3 weeks ago?
Ace kitsch tiger top I wore too, from the monday market, which I cut sleeves off of, as I do with everything, paired with a red cardi, which I used as a cape to fly around the dance-floor.

Look what I did

They call it the conch, where I got pierced, no pain at the time, but very sore afterwards, it was done by a small creepy bald man with a handle-bar moustache and hawaiian shirt.

Me, visualising the idea of the piercing, months before I got the courage to actually do it, aiming to put a hoop through.

Dame Helen mirren got hers done recently, and put a massive hoop through it! don't feel so rebellious now..

pretty cool

(not real video) some home-made video made by someone off of youtube, but what a tune.

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